The Story

Clara and Josh were brought together by a psychoactive plant called Salvia.
The year was 2008, and Josh was a staff writer for the Seattle University Spectator. He pitched a story about the legal hallucinogen, and luckily Clara was the photographer assigned. The writer and photographer duo met for the first time, then spent a sunny January afternoon walking to smoke shops around campus reporting on salvia.
Clara and Josh had an instant connection. But a year later, despite flirting at the Photographic Center Northwest where they both took classes, Josh still hadn't made a move.
So Clara went after her boss (Josh was now editor of The Spectator) by asking him to a party at her apartment, and after talking well into the middle of the night on Katie Farden's mom's blue sectional couch, Josh finally had the courage to ask Clara out. A few days later, Jan. 31 2009, Clara and Josh went on their first date to Broadway Grill where they both had burgers.
It didn't take many dates for the two to fall in love (Clara knew Josh was a keeper when he took her to Vegas senior year), and in June 2010, Clara and Josh graduated from Seattle University and moved in together. They enjoy bicycling, motorcycling, hiking, Kindle reading and vegetarian cooking together. Clara works at the online jewelry retailer Blue Nile as a photo technician and is also a wedding photographer. Josh is product manager at LexBlog, where he develops web products and services for law firms and attorneys.
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